Monday, July 14, 2008

Two sibling shots

I don't know what the situation for the four siblings was all about; what is clear is that I'm not there - maybe a family portrait without all of us? The beards and hair are certainly "not grey"!

The second shot was taken in Jack's earlier house - the one he "wanted out of", but one that was very fun to be visiting.


Laura said...

wow - Dad - Alex looks just like you in this photo - the same smile (ok, maybe different nose ;-) )

- L

Naomi Myerchin said...
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Naomi Myerchin said...

I think the photo was about the time we got married, late 1981. Marsha and Phil came, and that was the same suit and sweater Phil and Jack wore to the wedding. Bill says it was taken at his first studio and I guess I shot it, although I have no memory whatever of doing so. Maybe Angie did? And yes, a skinny Bill and Alex do resemble one another! - Naomi