Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tom's trip from Sault Saint Marie to Toke Ak SITREP#5 (SITUATION REPORT)‏

To All:

Today was a day of headaches. I had to retrieve the broken sled about 250 miles from Ishpheming (Grand Marias) and bring here. I drove the rig on a narrow road most of the way - half in the darkness of night. What a strain. We finished all very safely and will travel tomorrow with the new sled to Ashland Wis (170 miles) and on to Grand Rapids Minnesota (another 180miles). If you go to our web site - and click on teams you can find me on real time during the day. Earlier, I gave you the wrong info. We are Group Two and inclusive Team Three. Click on these and on top to "satellite tracking", you will see pin tacks of where each SPOT Sat Broadcaster is located.

So far, there have been few incidents. Some got lost on the trail today and at least one sled turned over - no one hurt - and the sledding has been successful averaging about 200 miles per day. The group had to portage around (through) the town of Marquette where the city is hostile to snowmobillers.

Actually, the whole sledding thing looks like a lot of fun. If I lived here, I'd be a sledder. It's unique in that anyone at any age below 90 can do it. One of the riders (69 years)started this past Jan and is ridding now to Alaska. Two of the riders are 82. The equipment is quite expensive. Sleds run 8-10 grand, the clothes $500, helmet $120 etc. I am amazed at how fast the sled can go - well over 110mph in short bursts and on this race - averaging about 55-65 miles per hour. When the trails parallel the highway, I've been passed by sledders while I've been driving at 65-70mph.

The sleds are finicky in terms of tuning, fuel and oil injection. The new ones are going to four stroke (quiet and very little polution. There is innovation in the sport.

As I mentioned before, sledders remind me of the fighter pilots that I knew in Vietnam. They relive the day's activities over and over again describing maneuvers with their hands and one upsmenship over their buddies talking endlessly about the techical aspects of different brands and equipment. The analogy here is that the culture of each is similiar but different toys, techniques and technologies.

Well, that's it for tonight. I need to crash now 1130pm and wake up at 5:00am

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