Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tom's trip from Sault Saint Marie, MI to Toke, Ak #2

TO ALL: I finally made it to Grand Rapids from
Minneapolis AP. It is snowing here and we went
over basic plans starting tomorrow at 05:00am.
We will meet with the other members of the Team.
They sound like good guys. The truck will need
some prep that I asked for (spare parts and other items)
By the way, these snowmobiles go betweenn 60mph
to 95mph. They all think that they can do the 200
plus miles per day without a blink. We shall see!
Two 82 year old's think it's a piece of cake.

We all drive to ST ST Marie tomorrow and put in
there. So we go across the big bridge with the
trailer and four sleds. I have moderate clothes
ready and am ready to jump into underwear later
in the week. The weather is quite mild down in
Mich (warmer than Nashville)

I'll sign off now. will update tomorrow. My
Iphone is dead here, but I get some signal with
the computer card

Take care all...........Tom

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