Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello and Invitation

The view from Fish Camp.

Meet famous boats and people from Movies
The glamour of getting into a fishing skiff
So many ways to have fun!
Beautiful white sand beaches.

Hi Myerchins I am writing to say thank you so much for Teslin's Birthday present, a gift card to Best Buy. It is so wonderful that you guys think of us.

I would also like to tell all the folks in California that we might be going to Disneyland on the 4, 5, 6, and 7 of December. Things are looking pretty good right now and this is a big surprise for the girls. Normally I would not choose to go to Disneyland (Major Yuck!) but Scott's mom is very excited to let them experience all the commercialism they can take while they are young. I would prefer to spend a day visiting with family and finding out how you all are doin'. I hope you guys will have some free time during one of those dates so we can arrange a visit. Please give me a call at 279-0179 or email me at work at I hardly check my other email and now our at home desktop computer is
dying a slow death. We are getting a new home computer soon.

Finally, one other thing. After speaking with Tom at Greta's wedding I would like to invite you guys up to Fish camp some time this summer. The weather is much better in early June and the fishing has not ramped up so we will be able to spend more time with you. The bugs do not come out until the middle of June and it's a lot more fun without them. My brother Paul said he is willing to be a fishing guide and help transport all who would like to come and see one of my Dad's favorite spots. There is lots of hiking, fishing, sea-kayaking, skiing, swimming, wildlife viewing and whatever. The accommodations are rustic - we provide the outhouse and you provide the tent. We do have a cook cabin where we can all meet and discuss recreational activities. Besides being rustic it is a great place for kids and very laid back which allows a lot of time for visiting and catching up. Please think about it because we would love to have you. I hope the pictures that I post along with the blog are somewhat enticing.


Jack said...

The pictures are really beautiful. The little girls are growing up.

Uncle Jack

Jack said...

The pictures are really beautiful. The little girls are growing up.

Uncle Jack

marsha said...

I'm sure it is awe inspiring to be in that environment for a summer. It must be wonderful as a family.
It is great seeing you all.

Auntie Marsha