Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night in Chicago

Hey everyone,

As you know I live in Chicago and was able to get tickets for Obama's Election Rally in Grant Park here. It was an amazing experience to be in that huge crowd witnessing history. I know, as Myerchins, we don't all necessarily agree on politics, but the feeling in Chicago was great - there were no riots, no fights, no negativity whatsoever the whole night. It was pretty cool.


Germaine said...

Dude you are so incredibly lucky! I'm so psyched Obama did it, but he has an uphill battle. I sure there are some Myerchins that are not happy about this but lets give some postive vibe so he can turn this great country around.

marsha said...

I am one of the Myerchins that did not support Obama; the primary reason is I am pro life and have been since I have seriously considered the arguments involved. To be true to these thoughts I would find it very difficult to jump on the Obama bandwagon. His voting record does not seem to be pro life. The 3 major talents he does have are: he speaks well, looks good, and is black. Weighing these thoughts, among others, I have to hold the positive vibe until something occurs that warrants it.
Maybe this is a downer for those of you on the Obama high; I'm guessing not though. I believe we all share in the responsibility of what will be, be it positive or negative. And that is how it should be. That is why we are a great country.
Too many words maybe, I know we all feel very strongly about our thoughts, and that is good.
Take care. love, Marsha

Jack said...

Alex I am so glad you rocked the vote in such a meaningful way... Ashley turned 18 and we all voted for the guy that is spreading hope and inspiration. We just couldn't bring ourselves to vote for the survivor. He is getting up there and he seemed double minded when running his campaign. That is unstable.

Marsha, I have to say that I saw a press release after the republicans gained the majority in the house and senate. Bush was posed with the question, "Are you going to overturn Roe vs. Wade? I heard him say, "The American people don't want that, next question..". I think the Republican party just uses this issue as an emotional "hot button". No party is more righteous than the other.

I love you guys so much and I pray that America can rebuild and reinvent itself through God inspired witty inventions and ideas. I pray that every family in America gains God's wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment to know truth. I pray that shame and strongholds that cause young women to consider abortions to be rebuked and bond...cast out into the dry places never to return again and rendered hopeless, helpless and ineffective in their lives. I pray that American's can live life on life's terms, ready to take on the challenges of the day with love, peace, joy, kindness, faithfulness, patience, joy and self control. With much love in Christ, Laura

marsha said...

I'm not sure who posted the last comment, but your interpretation of what Bush said is just that, your interpretation. That statement can be taken many ways. A person's record and votes are very significant.
If anyone feels a life is extinguished with an abortion, one must look with all honesty and ask why that is happening and what is the responsibility of the voter to further more abortions or less.
If you truly feel there will be less abortions world wide with Obama as president then I will applaud your choice. How a person votes in the past is the only criteria I know of. The voting record of Obama is not pro life. If I have made a mistake in viewing his position, the future will show my mistake.
If I am wrong about Obama, all is good, if I am right in viewing his voting record, many more will not be born.
So we all make a decision.

Tom said...

Alex: Good to see you in action. I understand the exuberance with Obama, but I prefer the possibilities with the Gov of AK - "the woman".
Still, I do respect your view and most of all your frendship as a "Myerchin son". You are a very precious next generation leader among us - the Myerchin Clan and all of it's worldwide connections

I just know that you will be a world class actor and your choice for your future is right on target. Hang in there - buddy!
Uncle Tom

Jack said...

Jack's last blog was actually his daughter Laura Edgar. I forgot my password.
Although I can appreciate a voting record, I have to pose these questions with the utmost respect: Do you think that having total power in the executive and legislative branch, Bush really wanted to overturn Roe vs. Wade? Do you think that the decision that Bush made to not bring about change trumps a voting record? He was the president of the United States. Everything was in place for him to keep that campaign promise and yet he didn't.
I am pro-life as well. I think that women seek abortions based on ignorance about contraception but most importantly based on shame and fear. Education is paramount for the ignorance but for the latter two only God can reach that wounded heart. If there is so much passion about this issue, ask the Lord to be His vessel and really love these women with an unconditional regard and create a safe place for them. Maybe God is birthing a new destiny for some. I encourage those who are passionate about this cause to get involved, to be on the front line and to make a real difference in these girls lives. It starts with one step. I love you all so much and I respect your position and decisions. I just find it hard to believe that one political party is more Godly than the other. Love, hugs and kisses, Laura