The Joe and Laura Myerchin children
warmly invite you
to attend
Family Potluck Picnic
Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Paul Miller City Park
on Little Pine Lake,
Perham, Mn
12:00 Noon to 9:00 PM
warmly invite you
to attend
Family Potluck Picnic
Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Paul Miller City Park
on Little Pine Lake,
Perham, Mn
12:00 Noon to 9:00 PM
•We have reserved a shelter with tables.
•Restrooms are available.
•Close to lake for unattended swimming.
•Potluck Picnic.
•Alcohol is permitted in the park.
•Great talk and fun.
•Look for monthly email updates.
•Spread the news to all family and friends.
•Let us know if you have additional planning ideas
Hope to see you there,
Tom Myerchin
John Myerchin
Bill Myerchin
Catherine Marsha Myerchin Erickson